
Friday, March 4, 2011


All I did on this painting today was the rope. Then I finished up this abstract I've been working on for a few days.

I started out with a line drawing, copying a doodle I've been working on.  I was waffling between blacks and white and gray, or pastel colors.  I decided on pastels!  Ummm.....  not exactly pastel is it?  It didn't want to evolve that way.  I seem to gravitate towards bright.  This is how it looked Tuesday when I left it at Deb's.

This is how it was finished up today.  It makes me feel happy.  How does it make you feel?  Cody says he sees a monster with tentacles and giant sharp teeth, but not scary.  What do you see?


Deb Harvey said...

It's so nice to meet a fellow Color Enthusiast! I'm glad you stopped by, and thank you for your nice comments!

I love your girl swinging on the rope. Her dress is beautiful!

Your abstract is great, and it reminds me of waves and an octopus in the ocean! Great color!!!

cathyswatercolors said...

Hi, I think your art work is the coolest. Every painting is so eye catching and fun.

Marianne said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, you are now following you as well. Your blog is great and I look forward to exploring it more!

imac said...

"Waves tossing a small boat around"
Thats what I see Christine.

Thanks for your most wonderful comment on my Busy Bee.

Ralph said...

A very interesting abstract and a great blend of colours. Thoughtful.

Angela Sullivan said...

Both are such powerful works. I love the mystery of thevrope and the harmony of the abstract.