
Monday, March 8, 2010

Too many WIP's

Here is another work in progress. I decided to do a 'painting the master's' challenge (or is it following? Yep! that's it!). This is from Michaelangelo's Delphic Sybil. I'm feeling very scattered today. Now remember this is just an acrylic underpainting and I hope to show you more soon. I did this quickly and kind of rough as you can see. That's why I wasn't concerned about my color choices, but, I love the green and blue that I chose. Boy, does she need work. Can't wait to finish.


Barbra Joan said...

Hi Chris, well keep at it I think it's coming along., and I know the scattered syndrome. I think I'm there too.!!

Hellenne said...

I'm liking the colors, too. I've got tons of WIPs. Perhaps we can start a finish our WIPs group!!

Kaylyn Munro said...

Thanks, Christine, for visiting my site and commenting and introducing me to your site. I'm working on a Following the Masters piece as well as a Calypso Art Movement challenge. I'm trying to make one painting work for both! (cheating, I know, but its forcing me to really think both of them through, so I hope that's ok!)

It's clear to me that you are enjoying your painting. Keep it up!