Some beautiful Calla Lilies were growing in my friends yard and were so lovely. I started snapping photos. This is my first layer of paint on my first lily painting. Will work on it some more soon. I've been painting a lot more with a few shows coming up. Why is it that deadlines make us work harder. I want to work smarter and steady instead.

I decided to show my process for the painting I am doing for the painting the master's challenge, Michealangelo's "Delphic Sybil".
She was outlined in burnt umber and shaded too.

And then I started in on the background. Stage three is below this post and I will post more later in the week on this piece.
I love the Michelangelo piece. It's gorgeous. Do you have any prints?
Hey Blanketgrrl, I think it is a pretty good jpeg here on the blog. You may click and save. Let me know if that works for you. I tried to go to your site, but the server said "Blogger profile not available." So I hope you get this.
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