Been drawing almost every day, but, not posting. So, I thought you may like to see what I have been working on lately. This one, "Ruins", was just hanging out in my head. Someone challenged me to draw something from my imagination instead of always having to see my reference materials and wala! I rather like it. Anyone else up for the challenge? If you try it too, let me know so I can take a peek! The rest of my drawings are from calendars or things I had laying around the house or outside. Will post more soon.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Christine, great drawing. The perspective is excellent, a original composition. Thanks for sharing.
Ooo, la-la!
that is looking incredible, Christine!
Loving your drawings !!!
Great job. Keep posting so we can see.
Bonjour, Christine, I dropped in to visit your blog and as you can see, I couldn't stop:) I really like this drawing. I have a photo postcard that is very similar! Really enjoyed watching your art works in progress. You are so talented and into everything. It will be fun to see what you do with the digital scans from my shop:)
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