The last canvas is finished and being shipped off to Art House Co-op in Atlanta, Ga. It came down to the last week and, with things coming up and going wrong, I'm so glad I finished the Canvas Project 2 in time.
This is #5 in a series of 3x3 canvases that I was given 5 words to interpret for a show and book that will be out sometime this year, I hope. You can read more in a previous post dated June 13th.
Christine, this is so neat. I went into the site and saw what it was all about. You did great with your Levitate ! hey, it rhymes!
A Dalí-inspired painting? It looks very good!
beautiful, Christine!
very nice... you are quite talented!
Wow, is that great!!! I love it. What a magic painter you are, my friend... Deborah
Hi Christine, thanks for your nice note.
This new piece is very thought provoking! Also a very convincing levitation.
Hey Mommy, can you put up the sketch you drew of me? I want to show people.
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