My son, Karl, bought me a
DigiPro Tablet for my birthday earlier this month. I have enhanced photos with it and that is fun. But, above you can see I drew a mandala in my sketch book, scanned it and added color in gimp with the digi pro, the 3rd and 4th pics were drawn using the cordless pen that comes with the tablet. I'm just learning how to use it and have a lot to learn still. So this is beginner stuff you are seeing of course. It's a fun new hobby!!
Good Grief, you are so smart, I wouldn't know where to begin. Good for you! No, didn't join the art project, so very much going on in my personal strife. House for sale, Char can tell you ... yes , visit more often, I check on you and all my favs a lot. BJ
i love it
when a birthday gift
is put to such good use...
your talent is unleashed!
beautiful work!
Great gift and you have put it to good use.
Very nice.
Christine, now that I am back from vacation, I wanted to check in again and see what you are up to. You are amazingly cretive. Love these computer-generated pieces. Sounds like your son really knows what Mom will enjoy.
I looked up the East Valley Artists and I think I've located your work in the Gallery --nice! Looks like an interesting group.
You might like to attend the reception for our Santa Clara Valley Watercolor Society show "Anything Goes" at the Elizabeth Norton Gallery in Palo Alto. There is information on my blog about the show. I helped hang the pieces and it's really superb. I would love to meet you in person.
I have a wacom tablet that is gathering dust..glad you're motivated and your efforts look great.
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